
Fundraiser activities are the life-blood of BSA Troop 392. These fundraisers allow the troop to do many activities without needing to ask for money from the parents for money. Also, these fundraising activities allow the boys to develop skills in organization, salesmanship, communication and leadership. All scouts are expected to participate in as many fundraiser activities as possible. The old adage "many hands make light work" applies in this situation. The more participation the troop has, the less "work" is required of each participant. Parents are also strongly encouraged to volunteer for fundraiser activities.

Some of our fundraisers are

Popcorn Sale:

Troop 392 participates in the annual Simon Kenton Council Popcorn Sale that runs from mid-September through early November. One-third of all money goes directly to the scout's account, one-third to council to pay for quality programs, and the last third to the popcorn company. Besides raising money for the scout and the council, the scout will learn real world lessons from counting money, earn his way for scouting activities, to public speaking to salesmanship.

Car Washes:

In the late spring, the troop normally holds a car wash at a local business as a way for the scouts to earn money for summer camp.

Kroger Community Rewards:

Troop 392 is enrolled with Kroger Community Rewards. Just by shopping at Kroger and using your Plus card could help earn money for the troop. We use the funds raised to help purchase equipment, patches and to cover other operating costs. It only takes a moment to sign-up on the Kroger Community Rewards site. Search for our troop using:

  • Organization Name: BOY SCOUT TROOP 392
  • Organization Number: 80827

Don't forget to re-enroll each year to continue earning rewards for our troop.