

A group of 9 scouts standing in front of a stained glass window inside a church

Scout Sunday 2024

Six scouts standing around the Klondike sled they built in the snow holding a flag that states they won the Gold Panning competition.

Gateway Klondike Derby 2025

Two scouts racing to see who can clean a set of folding tables the fastest.

Annual Camp-in and Shed Clean-out


Eight scouts sitting in the football bleachers during a fall evening in their uniforms watching a band concert.  There was one extra member of the group -  a Halloween skeleton dressed up like a band member.

SWCS Band Showcase

Scouts lined up in front of a table in a gym with a presentation behind them and they are receiving an award

August Court of Honor

Blacklick Woods Hike

A group of scouts standing in back of a civil war cannon on a sunny day.

Gettysburg  2024

A group of scouts under the camp gateway that they built.  It is a sunny day and the gateway is a triangle archway with their patrol flag at the top.

Summer Camp 2024

Scouts from Grove City's various boy scout troops preparing to bring the flags forward for opening ceremony.  The line on the left is carrying the US Flag, and the other line has the Simon Kenton Council flag.

Grove City's Mayor's Breakfast 2024

Eight scouts pulling weeds in a gardening bed at the back of the church on a sunny spring day.

Gardening at the church

Boy Scouts marching in a parade during a sunny day.  The two scouts at the front are carrying the American Flag and the Troop flag.  They are followed by the rest of their troop.

Memorial Day Parade

A group of scouts standing at the entrance of cemetery after replacing all of the American Flags on the graves of the vets during a warm May morning.

Laying of the Flags - May 25, 2024

A scout with a compound bow drawn back ready to shoot.  He is under a shelter shooting out at a target on a sunny day.

May Shooting Sports Campout

Four scouts standing next to a lashing project they made in the woods.  One of the scouts is standing on the ladder they lashed together which is leaning against a tree.

Finding Robin Hood Spring Camporee

A group of scouts standing in front of a shelter house on a sunny day.  In front of them are a lot of bags of trash and a tire that they just cleaned from a creek.

April Creek Sweep - Keep G.C. Beautiful

6 scouts lined up in front of a table getting ready to be presented with an award by their scoutmaster who is on their left.  The picture is in a church gym with the stage behind them.

April Court of Honor

A group of scouts standing and sitting in front of the Burr Oak Lodge & Conference Center sign on a sunny yet cold spring day.  They are dressed in hiking gear.

Burr Oak Campout & 10 mi Hike

The scouts of Troop 392 standing by the US flag with Mayor Ike Stage.

The Mayor's Visit

Scouts retrieving the colors (taking down the American Flag) at night.

Working on Flag Handling

A group of scout sitting around a table with a poster on it.  They are working on their Paul Bunyon Award

Feb. Cabin Campout

5 Scouts standing in front of a stained glass window in their uniforms.

Scout Sunday

Scouts working on installing a bench on a cold day

Conner' Eagle Scout Project

Scout equipment spread out in the gym as they sort through and clean it

Annual Shed/Trailer Clean-out Camp-in


Two scouts bowling at a bowling alley.  One is approaching the lane while the other waits his turn.

Bowling 2023

Three scouts in a creek cleaning out trash on an overcast day

Grove City Creek Sweep 2023

A group of scouts standing in front of a Nighthawk airplane at the USAF Museum

Aviation Heritage Campout 2023

Scouts behind the counter at the food booth on a sunny day in Grove City.

Arts in the Alley 2023

Scouts and their parents lined up for a picture on the observation deck of the food court on a sunny day at the Wilds.

The Wilds Campout 2023

Five Scouts standing by a info sign at Mound City on a sunny day.  The mounds are behind them.

Hopewell Mounds Campout

A group of scouts standing under the Camp Beaumont sign as they are ready to depart camp.

Summer Camp 2023

A group of scouts standing by the Grove City Cemetery sign on a sunny day

Memorial Day 2023

Scouts sitting by the lake shore fishing on a cold April day

Fishing Campout 2023

Boy Scouts lined up outside of the Ohio Reformatory main gate on a cold overcast day

Ohio Reformatory Tour

Scouts in a church gym, working around two tables with boxes and bags of socks.  They were pairing them up to be given to the less fortunate around Grove City.

Sock Brigade

Grey cabin on a grey winter day.  American and Troop flags erected on the sides of the doors.

Feb. Cabin Campout 2023

Group of scouts standing next to a brown insect hotel that was recently erected near some trees in winter.

Brayden's Eagle Scout Project

Two patrols of scouts standing by the ladders they created using sticks and square lashings.

Square Lashing meeting


Scouts working in patrols to lash together a flag pole in the gym during a meeting.

Learning Lashings

Scouts bouncing around on trampolines at Get Air.

2022 Get Air Outing

Scouts on an old tractor outside of the Maize at Darby Creek farm

2022 Haunted Trails Campout

Two scouts getting ready to pick up trash, standing at the bank on a cold sunny morning.

2022 Creek Sweep

Scouts huddled around the spring at Glen Helen

2022 Historic Trails Campout

Scouts holding a large American Flag at the start of a parade on a sunny morning.

2022 Arts in the Alley

3 scouts on a tractor outside of Young's Dairy at night.

2022 Planning Campout

Seven scouts in rain gear hiking along a muddy and overgrown trail.  They are stopped on a small wooden bridge as they wait for one scout to secure his gear.

2022 Survival Campout and 5-mile Hike

Eight scouts and their adult leader lined up on the chimney on the front porch of the dinning hall at Camp Falling Rock for their group picture.

2022 Summer Camp

Nine Scouts lined up in two columns as they get ready to march out for the parade..  One behind a scout holding the American Flag and the other behind a Scout holding the Troop flag.

Memorial Day Parade 2022

Six Scouts standing in front of the Grove City Cemetery and two with American Flags they used to replace the worn ones on the veterans' graves.

2022 Flag Replacement for Memorial Day

A group of Scouts sitting on bleachers at Ross County Fairgrounds

Thunderbase 2022

Scout chopping wood

2022 Spring Skills Campout

Scouts Eating Breakfast

Feb. 2021 Cabin Campout

Scouts standing in front of stained glass window

Scout Sunday 2022

Feb. 2022 Court of Honor

Scouts pulling sled in snow

Gateway District Klondike Derby 2022


Scout troop in front of exhibit at zoo

Zoo Lights 2021

Scouts hiking in the woods

November Hike at Battle Darby

Scouts sitting at picnic table in open field

Monster Mash 2021

Scouts with picker-uppers on sidewalk near creek

Grove City Creek Sweep 2021

Scouts on small foot bridge

Burr Oak Campout

Scouts carrying US Flag during opening of parade

Arts in the Alley 2021

Scouts being awarded rank and merit badges

August Court of Honor

Scouts working on lashings at table.

August Planning Campout

Scouts under carport learning new skills

July Skills Campout

Scouts beside trailer full of yard waste

Church Garage Service Project

Scouts standing under archway

Summer Camp

Scouts lined up in front of cabin

Nagatamen 2021

Scouts eating tacos

June Church Campout

Scouts placing American Flags on graves of vets in graveyard

Flag Replacement for Memorial Day 2021

Columbus Eagles FC Open Ceremony

Car Wash Fundraiser May 2021

Scouts from various troops lined up in a field

Ohio Valley Spring Camporee

Scouts spreading mulch in park with Grove City water tower in background

Mulching 2021

Scouts taking a break at a map on the trail during a winter hike

January Hike at Battle Darby


Scouts cleaning trash out of a creek

Grove City Creek Sweep

Scouts standing outside at table preparing for Court of Honor

October Fall Campout Extravaganza

A scout cleaning up pancakes at St. John's Missionary Pancake dinner

Missionary's Pancake Dinner 

Scouts of BSA Troop 392 at the top of Jacob's Ladder that overlooks the valley.

Feb. Cabin Campout 

Scouts of BSA Troop 392 lined up against church wall during Scout Sunday.

Scout Sunday 2020 

Scouts cleaning troop gear in sink during camp-in.

Jan Camp-in/Shed Clean-out

BSA Troop receiving awards during Court of Honor ceremony.

Court of Honor: Jan 21


Boy Scouts of Troop 392 participating in Jamboree On The Air at Camp Lazarus during Monster Mash weekend.

Monster Mash + JOTA 

Boy Scouts of Troop 392 lined up after completing Creek Sweep!

Creek Sweep 

All the Scouts and Scouters from Troop 392 lined up in front of the stage at the end of the Court of Honor ceremony.

Court of Honor: Oct 1 

Boy Scout Troop standing in front of an old car before the parade starts.

Arts in the Alley 2019

Scouts building a temporary shelter out of walking sticks

Planning Campout - 2019

Boy Scout Troop 392 lined up at the bottom of Wind of the Caves.

Niagara Falls

Scouts from BSA Troop 392 lined up in front of the troop trailer ready to go to camp.

Summer Camp 2019

Scouts retiring the US Flag at a campsite.

Survival Campout 2019

Scouts from the various troops within Grove City lined up with the Mayor next to the Simon Kenton Council flag.

Mayor's Breakfast

The scouts looking in a pond.

Nature Hike

Scouts of Troop 392 lined up ready to march in the parade.  The three at the front holding flags.

Memorial Day Parade 2019

Scouts of Troop 392 lined up in front of a bush after replacing all the flags.

Laying of the Flags - 2019

Scouts waiting on the shuttle service at the Wilds.

The Wilds Campout - May 2019

Two scouts holding up car wash signs on sidewalk during sunny day.

 Car Wash #1 - May 2019

Scouts from Troop 392 with their bikes at the Killbuck trailhead.

Biking Campout - April 2019

Scouts sitting around a campfire at night.

Ohio Valley Spring Camp-o-ree

At Mount Oval 

Gym filled with people eating pancakes.

Pancake Dinner Volunteering

Scouts trying to build a fire outside in the snow.

Feb Cabin Campout

Boy Scouts from Troop 392 lined up in front of a wall that reads Breakout Columbus.

Escape Room -

Breakout Columbus 

Various military artifacts laying on a round table.

Military Collection Presentation

A pile of snow in front of the shed with the scouts trying to dig it out.

Annual Shed Clean-out/Camp-in

Scouts in front of cardboard cutout of snowman and tube at Mad River Mountain.

Mad River Mountain 2019


Scouts in front of christmas tree in gym.

 Holiday Party - 2018

Scouts lined up to get awards at the Court of Honor.

 Court of Honor 2018

Eagle scout reciting the Eagle's Charge.

Isaiah's Eagle Ceremony

Scouts jumping on trampolines at Get Air.

Get Air

Scouts lined up in front a tree during their hike along the Buckeye Trail.

Buckeye Trail Hike

Scouts lined up in front of the Winding Creek sign

Horsemanship Campout

Scouts lined up before parade in front of old car.

Arts in the Alley 2018

Scouts lined up behind Camp Madison Lake sign

Fishing Campout

Scouts lined up outside of the bison enclosure at Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park.

Battelle Darby Creek

Scouts on picnic table learning about GPS unit.

GPS Outing 

The scouts of Troop 392 lined up on the porch of Legend Lodge.

Summer Camp 2018

Scouts carrying the flags behind a fire truck at the Memorial Day Parade.

Memorial Day Parade

Scouts under a tree at the Grove City Cemetery after replacing flags on all the vet's graves.

Laying of the Flags

Scouts in the grand stands waiting on the show to begin.

Thunderbase 2018

Troop 392 sitting on a drain pipe in the woods next to a stream.

April Survival Campout

Scouts of Troop 392 lined up in front of  the cabin.

March Campout 

Scouts at the bottom of the hill, lined up behind a snow tube.

2018 Mad River Mountain

Scouts shoveling snow to make a path to the equipment shed.

Shed Clean-out Camp-in

Scouts playing a card game around a table in a cabin.

January Cabin Campout

Boy Scouts of Troop 392 helping to place the Cub Scout's Pinewood Derby cars back on the table after each race.

Pack 392 Pinewood Derby

Scouts bowling



The scout troop and their families sharing a meal at the holiday party.

Holiday Party 2017

Scouts in the foam pit at Get Air

Get Air 

Scouts lined up outside the Newport Aquarium with a mural of fish and sea turtles on the wall behind them.

Newport Aquarium

Scouts standing beside the Camp Wisteria sign.

Isaiah Eagle Project Campout 

Boy Scout Troop 392 wading in the creak to clean it of trash.

Grove City Creek Sweep 

Boy Scout Troop 392 lined up receiving awards at the Court of Honor.

Sep. Court of Honor

Boy Scout Troop 392 standing beside the Arts in the Alley sign at the start of the parade.

Arts in the Alley Parade

The scouts of Troop 392 standing in front of the water holding their oars.

Canoe Clinic Campout

Troop posing for a picture on a shelter house.

Astronomy Campout

The troop standing in front of the equipment trailer before heading off to camp.

 Summer Camp 2017

Two scouts in the creak cleaning up trash

 Creek Cleanup

Troop 362 marching in the Memorial Day Parade carrying the American and Troop flags.

 Memorial Day Parade

Troop 392 in Grove City Cemetery after placing flags on all the vet's graves.

 Laying of the Flags

Troop 392 receiving skill instruction at the ax yard.

 Skills Campout

A scout presenting at the Court of Honor.

 April Court of Honor

Scout in a makeshift sling during first aid meeting

First Aid meeting

Scouts forming a chain of tubes getting ready to go down a snowy hill.

 Mad River Mtn

A scout opening the church door during Scout Sunday

 Scout Sunday


A scout swinging by one of the ring swings at the climbing facility

 Climbing Outing

picture of a cabin

 Cabin Campout

A scout in the foam pit at Get Air

 Get Air Outing

Scouts lined up getting awards during Court of Honor.

 Oct. Court of Honor

Two scouts standing behind several bags of trash they cleaned out from a local creek.

Grove City Creek Sweep

Scouts shooting paintballs at targets during campout

 Cooking Dead Campout

Boy Scout Troop 392 lined up outside the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Boy Scouts posing with the Cow Mascot in the Scouting Booth at the Ohio State Fair.

 Ohio State Fair

Scouts from Troop 392 posing in front of the church after cleaning up the flower beds.

 Church cleanup

The scouts deep underground going through a cave.

 Olentangy Indian Cavern

Scouts going over the net obstacle.

 Obstacle Run

Boy Scout Troop 392 lined up in front of the Tecumseh Council BSA Sign at Camp Birch on a sunny day.

 Summer Camp 2016

Two Eagle Scouts and their families in the Gym after being awarded their Eagles.

 June Court of Honor

Scouts marching in the Memorial Day Parade holding the US and Troop flags.

 Memorial Day Parade

A scout replacing a worn out flag on a vet's grave for Memorial Day.

 Laying of the Flags

Scouts playing kickball

Kickball game


A scout jumping into a foam pit off a trampoline at Get Air

 Get Air

Scouts hanging off the net obstacle

 Obstacle HORSE Game

Scouts cooking breakfast on a propane stove

 Tri-Creek Fall Camporee

A scout being awarded during the Court of Honor ceremony.

 Oct. Court of Honor

Scouts being led around the zoo on a tour by a zoo guide late in the evening.

Columbus Zoo Camp-in

Boy Scouts of Troop 392 sitting a picnic table waiting for it to get dark so they can view the stars.

 Astronomy Campout

Boy Scout Troop 392 posing with troop flag after the rain

 Summer Camp 2015

Boy Scout Troop 392 helping to run the tomahawk throwing station

Heritage Days Campout 

Scouts marching in the Memorial Day Parade carrying the US and Troop flags.

Memorial Day Parade 

Troop 382 walking down a path at the Grove City Cemetery with flags in their hands.

Laying of the Flags 

Boy Scout Troop 392 sitting around the Old Man's Cave sign

Old Man's Cave Hike 

Two scouts fishing on the shore of Rose Lake on a sunny day.

Fishing Campout 

Selfie of troop 392 while going down the tubing hill at Mad River Mountain

Mad River Mtn 


Scouts in field helping with tomahawks

Camp Oyo Mission Impossible Weekend


Boy Scout Troop 392 and their parents lined up during the Court of Honor.

Sep Court of Honor

A scout manning the food booth at Arts in the Alley

 Arts in the Alley

a scout zip lining

 Grandville Zip Line

Scouts lined up in front of the truck ready to go to summer camp

Summer Camp 2012


All the scouts lined up behind a table during an Eagle Court of Honor.

Matthew's Eagle Court 

3 scouts cooking on a propane stove at camp

Summer Camp Pre-Req Campout 

Scouts marching in the Memorial Day Parade carrying the US and Troop flags.

Memorial Day Parade 

Scouts standing around a firepit

Basic Skills Campout 

Scouts washing a truck at the car wash fundraiser

Car Wash 

6 scouts lined up

Crossover from Pack 82 

Three scouts trying to raise a tent in the church gym

Pack 392 Visit 

3 Scouts during Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday 

A scout at a blackboard teaching other scouts something.

Troop Leadership Training 

Scouts lined up at a Cub Scout Cross Over event.

Pack 392 Crossover 


Scouts sitting near a fire during a campout

Fall Camporee 

Scouts lined up ready to collect food for the food drive

Scouting for Food 

Boy Scouts lined up with Scoutmaster

Zach's Crossover 

Boy Scouts selling popcorn outside a store

Popcorn Show 'n Sell 

Boy scouts huddle around the propane stove at night cooking

Boy Scout-Webelos Campout 

The new Senior Patrol Leader being sworn into the role by the Scoutmaster

New Scout Leaders 

Scouts manning the food booth at Arts in the Alley

Arts in the Alley 

Scouts and family lined up at the Court of Honor.

Aug Court of Honor 

BSA Troop 392 in the underground caverns at Olentangy Indian Caverns

Olentangy Indian Caverns 

Scouts sitting on the ground at one of the shelters at the Wilds.

The Wilds Campout 

Scouts and adults working on a playground as part of an Eagle Project.

Mathew's Eagle Scout Project 

Ohio Valley District sign in front of a bunch of tents at the Centennial Camp-o-all camp out

Centennial Camporall 

Scouts cleaning up a local creak during the fall

Creek Cleanup - Fall 

The scouts of Troop 392 lined up in front of the Pro Football Hall of Fame sign on a sunny day.

Pro Football Hall Of Fame 

Scouts lined up in front a truck ready to go to summer camp on a sunny day

Summer Camp 2010 

Scouts sitting around in camping chairs learning new skills.

Summer Camp Pre-Req Campout 

Scouts of Troop 392 marching in the Memorial Day Parade while carrying the US and Troop flags.

Memorial Day Parade 

The Scouts of Troop 392 posing for a picture at Adventure Base

Adventure Base 

Scout showing the plague that they received for helping plant trees

Tree Planting  

Scouts cleaning a creak in the early spring

Creek Cleanup 

Scouts spreading mulch at a local park


Three scouts washing a black SUV during the car wash fundraiser on a chilly day

Car Wash 

Scouts lined up in front of the Simon Kenton Council bus

Maple Syrup Festival 

Troop 392 posing for a picture in the basement of the Ohio Capitol building under the Judiciary display

State House Tour 

New cub scouts crossing over to Boy Scout Troop 392

Blue Gold / Court of Honor 

A scout handing out programs during Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday 

Boy Scout Troop 392 helping to run the Pack's Pinewood Derby event

Pine Wood Derby 

Boy Scout and Pack 392 posing for a picture at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio

Air Force Museum 


Boy Scouts mingling with Cub Scouts during Holiday Party.

Holiday Party 

scouts applying shints on a victim during a First Aid competition

First Aid-O-Ree 

Scouts lined up with the troop flag outside on a cool day

Meet, Greet, and Compete 

A scout getting ready to throw a ball down the lane while bowling.



Freeze-o-Ree 2004


Adirondack  & Niagara Trip 2003

Scouts sitting outside in the snow with their tents behind them

Freeze-o-Ree 2003


Several scouts sitting at a table inside eating dinner.

Spaghetti Dinner - Oct. 1999

Senator Mike DeWine on his front porch with the scout of Troop 392 around him

Visit with Senator Mike DeWine - June 1999

Two scouts outside with an adult leader who is instructing them on proper bow use.

Fort Ancient - June 1999

Scouts marching in the Memorial Day parade on a sunny day.

Memorial Day Parade 1999

Four scouts racing in a four-man ski race in the summer on flat land on a sunny day

Spring Camporee 1999


Scouts standing outside near a 50 gal. drum that has a fire in it while the adults are talking in the background on a winter day.

Winter Campout 1998

Scouts sitting around the fire ring during the day in the wooded campsite.

Summer Camp 1998

Undated Photos

Scouts forming a human pyramid

 Unknown Campout

Black and white photo of the scouts sitting on a floor of a cabin.

 Unknown Campout

Scouts building a tower out of logs.

  Pioneering Event

The troop lined up at camp.

 Unknown Campout

A scout repelling down the cliff at Camp Falling Rock

At Camp Falling Rock

The old entrance to Camp Lazarus

At Camp Lazarus